Tell us a little bit about your business
Established in 2007, DPS is a façade company with an outstanding reputation within the industry for delivering a client-focused service, the quality of installation and an absolute commitment to the highest Health and Safety standards.

Tell me about your business.
Established in 2007, DPS is a façade company with an outstanding reputation within the industry for delivering a client-focused service, the quality of installation and an absolute commitment to the highest Health and Safety standards.
Where were you before
We did a great job for our clients, because that was my background, we were a well oiled machine delivering top quality work, but within the business it was a mess, no real systems or processes. No culture or team ethic. Finance function was all over the place. I was lonely, stressed with no real support. No one to talk to. Feeling like a bit of a failure, I wasn’t qualified to run the business as it was, let alone grow and develop it.
Why engage with ActionCOACH?
The previous 6 months had been really difficult with lockdowns and challenges actually being able to work, it had crippled the business financially. I had nowhere else to go. I knew I needed to educate myself and grow to lead a team and a business. When I was subcontracting, I was working with another facade company & the owner had handed the business to his son, who was coached for a few years and I could tangible see the difference it had made, so that’s why I got hold of the team at ActionCOCH Sheffield
Time being coached
We started in October 2020, so just over 2.5 years.
What results have you achieved?
To be honest, if we didn’t make that decision at that point in time, we probably wouldn’t have this business, it was very nip and tuck at the beginning. We had to get rigorous financial controls in place in order to recover the losses that covid had put on us. I felt supported all the way through it and had someone to turn to at every crossroads I found myself at. 2.5 years later, I now have two profitable businesses that both work without me. I work 2 days a week, I now employ just short of 40 people, we turnover well in advance of £5,000,000 (Up from £1,500,000 in 2020). I have an amazing senior leadership teams that run both businesses & my role is to mentor, lead and support them. It has changed everything.
One piece of advice
Look at value over cost. It’s easy to tell yourself you can’t afford it, but the value we have received from the investment we’ve made is not even comparable.
Want to grow your business?
Contact the team for a complimentary business growth call